Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And the third and final question is……….HERE! You could win an iPod Touch!

Can you diagnose acute back pain? Read on to test your knowledge.

You see a 30 year old man who developed acute pain in the left buttock two days ago. He tells you that the pain started when he was stretching before playing football. The pain has now moved down his leg and he also has some tingling in the left foot. He has no symptoms of saddle anaesthesia (reduced sensation or numbness over the thighs, buttocks, and groin areas) and there are no red flags. On examination, there is tenderness of the left buttock. The straight leg raise test is positive on the left side. The tone, power, reflexes, and sensation are normal in the lower limbs.

What is the most likely diagnosis?


Non-specific low back pain


Mechanical back pain


Nerve root pain

To find out the answer of the competition - click Acute back pain: an up to date guide .

Complete the module and pass, then send your answer to contest.apac@bmjgroup.com.

If you have trouble with the link above – you can search for the module on the website instead:


REMEMBER! You need to register with a Malaysian Medical Association Voucher code to enter this contest. To request for a code, email cpd@mma.org.my.

Closing Date: 30 June 2011

We will be sending out the winners name shortly. Thank you for your participation!!!

Good Luck!

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